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Possible Risks and Complications

As with any surgical procedure, Brachioplasty (arm lift) surgery performed by Dr Mistry carries potential risks and complications. It is essential to be aware of them and discuss them with Dr Mistry during the consultation. Here are some possible risks and complications associated with Brachioplasty:

  • Scarring: Brachioplasty involves incisions along the inner arms, which will result in some degree of scarring. The extent of scarring varies from person to person and is influenced by factors such as genetics and wound healing. Dr Mistry will use techniques to minimise scarring, but it is crucial to be mentally prepared for the presence of visible scars.
  • Infection: There is a risk of infection at the incision sites. Dr Mistry and his team will provide you with instructions on wound care and prescribe antibiotics to minimise this risk.
  • Poor Wound Healing: Some individuals may experience delayed wound healing or wound separation, especially if they have certain medical conditions or habits, such as smoking, that impede the healing process.
  • Changes in Sensation: After surgery, some patients may experience temporary or permanent changes in sensation in the arms, such as heightened sensitivity or temporary numbness.
  • Haematoma or Seroma: A haematoma is a collection of blood under the skin, while a seroma is a collection of fluid. These fluid collections may occur after surgery and require drainage.
  • Asymmetry: Achieving perfect symmetry in the arms is challenging, and subtle differences in size and shape may persist after surgery.
  • Nerve Damage: There is a small risk of nerve damage during the surgery, which could lead to altered sensation or muscle weakness in the arms.
  • Blood Clots: Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or pulmonary embolism (a blood clot that travels to the lungs) is a rare but potentially serious complication associated with any surgical procedure.
  • Anaesthesia Risks: General anaesthesia carries inherent risks, and some individuals may experience adverse reactions to anaesthesia.

After Surgery Recovery

After undergoing brachioplasty (arm lift) surgery with Dr Mistry, a smooth and comfortable recovery is essential for optimal healing and the best possible results. Here are some key points to consider for your after-surgery recovery:

  • Post-Operative Care Instructions: Follow Dr Mistry’s post-operative care instructions diligently. These instructions will include wound care, medication guidelines, activity restrictions, and tips to promote healing and minimise discomfort.
  • Discomfort Management: Some bruising, swelling, and discomfort are normal after any surgical procedure. Dr Mistry will prescribe appropriate pain medication to manage post-operative pain and ensure your comfort during the recovery period.
  • Swelling and Bruising: Expect some swelling and bruising in the treated area. Elevating your arms while resting can help reduce swelling. Dr Mistry will provide guidelines on how to manage swelling effectively.
  •  Rest and Recovery Time: Plan for sufficient rest and downtime following the surgery. Allow your body to heal, and avoid strenuous activities, heavy lifting, or activities that may strain the arms for the first few weeks.
  • Incision Care: Proper care of the incision sites is crucial for minimising scarring. Dr Mistry will provide specific instructions on how to clean and care for your incisions to promote optimal healing and reduce the appearance of scars.

After your Brachioplasty with Dr Mistry, attend all follow-up appointments to monitor your recovery progress and address concerns. Gradually resume activities as advised to avoid straining healing tissues. Seek emotional support from loved ones and communicate with Dr Mistry’s team. By adhering to after-surgery guidelines and self-care, you can ensure a successful recovery.

Brachioplasty in Newcastle

If you would like to inquire about having a brachioplasty procedure in Newcastle, or if you would like to book a consultation, contact the team at Dr Mistry’s today or call 02 4002 4198.


Frequently Asked

The first step is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Mistry to discuss your concerns and goals for Brachioplasty. During this consultation, Dr. Mistry will conduct a thorough evaluation of your arm anatomy to determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.

Yes, based on your unique anatomy and desired outcome, Dr. Mistry will create a customised treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and goals.

Absolutely. Dr. Mistry’s aesthetic approach ensures that your Brachioplasty results are personalised to suit your unique anatomy and desired outcome. The goal is to achieve natural-looking and harmonious results that complement your overall appearance.

Understanding the difference between cosmetic surgery vs. plastic and reconstructive surgery

Cosmetic surgery is a medical specialty that primarily focuses on enhancing a patient’s appearance. It is associated with aesthetic goals aimed at improving or altering physical features to achieve a more pleasing look. 

Cosmetic surgery procedures are entirely elective, and they are not typically covered by Medicare or private health funds. In most cases, patients pay for cosmetic surgeries out of their own pockets.

One important distinction to note is that cosmetic surgery is not associated with the Medical Benefits Schedule (MBS) in Australia, and as a result, there are no corresponding MBS item numbers or codes for these procedures. Therefore, individuals who choose to undergo cosmetic surgery can expect to bear the full cost of the procedure. Surgical costs include (but are not limited to): 

  • Fee for surgeon
  • Fee for anaesthetist
  • Fee for theatre

Plastic and reconstructive surgery, on the other hand, is a medical specialty that is primarily concerned with restoring or improving the aesthetic and function of the body. 

These procedures often involve addressing congenital abnormalities, trauma-related injuries, or medical conditions that affect a person’s appearance or bodily functions. Importantly, many plastic and reconstructive surgery procedures may qualify for coverage by private health fund providers.

In Australia, plastic and reconstructive surgery procedures are typically associated with MBS item numbers. If the criteria specified in the MBS guidelines are met, private health fund providers may partially cover the cost of these procedures. This means that patients who meet the necessary requirements under their insurance policy can benefit from reduced out-of-pocket expenses when undergoing plastic and reconstructive surgery.

Surgeries such as Abdominoplasty for example can be both a cosmetic or reconstructive procedure.